Thursday, April 10, 2008

Baby Avery Photos and Videos!

Baby Avery Kaye Amundson was born April 9th at 6:33 am. She weighs 7 lb. 15 oz. and is 20.5 inches long. Mom and Baby are doing great (and dad and big sister, too)

Here's the whole story:
Wow! This is a lot harder when you're not in the hospital when your water breaks! Jill woke up with a start at 4:00 am on April 9th. I thought she was having a nightmare and tried to calm her down. She told me her water had just broke which caused us to jump out of bed. Once the lights came on we noticed the water was quite bloody - which caused quite a bit if concern... We got into the hospital as fast a Sharron could get here to stay with Keaton - she only ran 2 red lights :-) .

Once we got into Maternity triage, we were very comforted to here a strong heartbeat on the monitor. We got into surgery relatively quickly - Water broke at 4:00, in the hospital by 5:00 and into the or by 6:00. During the C-Section, they found the source of the bleeding - a slight placenta abrubtion. Thankfully, it was not too serious - but plenty scary. Baby Amundson (she wasn't named Avery yet) spent her 1st hour or so in the special care nursery, due to the amount of blood she gulped during the delivery. Avery stabilized right around the same time Jill was coming out of the OR into recovery, and was discharged from special care to go meet mom in the recovery room.

Everything from there on out has been pretty calm and routine (thankfully) except big sister Keaton choosing Friday morning (3:00 am) to throw-up for the 1st time...

Pictures (updated 4-11-08):

Here are a couple videos (updated 4-11-08):
Birth Montage:

Dr Appointment:

1st Bath:

Meet the sister: